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Office hours: MON – THU: 08:30 – 17:00, FRI – SUN: closed

What is Chalazion?

Chalazion, also known as a "stye," is a common eye condition that affects the eyelids. It is typically caused by inflammation that develops around the glands at the base of the eyelashes, a condition called blepharitis. This inflammation is often due to sensitivity to common bacteria found on the skin. When the openings of these small glands around the eyelashes become blocked due to inflammation, a small, tender swelling on the eyelid, known as a chalazion or stye, can develop.

The size of the chalazion can change over a few weeks and may completely disappear with the use of warm compresses and eyelid cleaning. A very small percentage of chalazions may develop into hard cysts on the eyelid, and if they persist for several weeks, they may need to be surgically removed under local anesthesia. Rarely, a chalazion can lead to infection along the surface of the eyelid, and in such cases, oral antibiotics may be prescribed.


The best prevention is daily eyelid hygiene. A warm compress with a few drops of baby shampoo can be used every day before bedtime. Your doctor may also prescribe an antibiotic ointment to apply at the base of the eyelid after using the warm compress.

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