What does a foreign body in the cornea mean?
It is a common condition where a small object has become stuck on the outer layer of the eye.
The surface of the eye contains many nerves, and when something touches it, it causes pain, and the eye waters to try to clear it. Sometimes, if the object is made of metal, a rust ring may form, which needs to be removed. If the object is small or transparent, the use of a special yellow dye (fluorescein) will help the doctor locate it. This substance will wash away with tears after a few minutes. The doctor may also use a local anesthetic to examine the eye more closely. Although the anesthetic provides temporary relief, it should not be used as a treatment because its repeated use delays healing.
The doctor usually removes the object from the eye using cotton or a small sterile needle after administering numbing eye drops. The procedure is painless. The sensation of "having something in the eye" may return after the anesthetic wears off, usually after 20-60 minutes. This happens because the outer layer of the eye has been injured by the removed foreign body and will take a day or two to heal completely.
Your doctor will prescribe antibiotic eye drops and/or ointment to help the eye heal. You may be asked to return for examination if any remnants of the foreign body remain or if there are signs of infection or inflammation.
Remember that it is very important to wear appropriate eye protection when engaging in tasks that involve grinding, welding, or hammering metal, glass, or stone.