Mitropetrova 10, 24 133 Kalamata. Tel.: 27210 23501‬, Mob.: 6945893111
Office hours: MON – THU: 08:30 – 17:00, FRI – SUN: closed

Cookies are small text files that are stored in our browser while we navigate the internet. Their purpose is to notify the website of the user's previous activity. We use cookies on our website to offer you the most relevant experience, remembering your preferences and repeated visits.

Cookie Categories

Necessary Cookies

They allow the basic functionality of the website. Without these strictly necessary cookies, your browsing experience may be affected.

Performance Cookies

Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use the website. They enable us to see which pages are visited most frequently or show us if visitors encounter any problem while browsing. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor.

Functionality - Analytics Cookies

These cookies "remember" your preferences during your visit to our website. They also give us the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of various features of our website. We do not use such cookies on our website.

Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used to provide advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to send targeted advertising or offers aimed at reducing mass, unwanted, and irrelevant advertising messages. Additionally, they help us measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. We do not use such cookies on our website.

Cookie Control

You can modify your browser settings to notify you about the use of cookies in specific services of the web pages or to deny the acceptance of cookies in any case. Finally, you can also delete cookies that have already been registered. 

If you want to restrict or block cookies set on your device, you can do this through your browser settings. For more information about managing cookies on your device, consult the Help function (Help) in your browser or visit www.aboutcookies.org, which provides detailed information on how to do this on various browsers. Please note that in certain circumstances, your refusal to accept cookies, your browser settings may affect your browsing experience and may not allow you to use certain features on our website.

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