Mitropetrova 10, 24 133 Kalamata. Tel.: 27210 23501‬, Mob.: 6945893111
Office hours: MON – THU: 08:30 – 17:00, FRI – SUN: closed

What is fluorescein angiography?

It is a simple examination during which fluorescein is injected into a vein in your hand. Several photographs are taken within a few minutes. The examination informs your doctor about the condition of the back of your eye and helps them provide you with the best possible treatment.

For this examination, you do not need to be fasting, nor do you need to stop taking your medications.

What does the examination involve?

  • Upon your arrival, your vision will be examined by the doctor,
  • You will be asked about your general health (please report any chest pains or respiratory problems). It is also very important to inform us of any allergies you may have, especially to shellfish, medications, fluorescein, drugs containing sulfur, or latex.
  • We will measure your pulse and blood pressure,
  • We will administer eye drops that will cause your pupils to dilate - these drops may temporarily blur your vision, and it is recommended not to drive after the examination.
  • Once your pupils have dilated, we will take you to the examination room,
  • We will explain the procedure to you, and then you will need to sign a document indicating your consent to participate in the procedure. Please feel free to ask any questions.
  • A small plastic tube will be inserted into a vein in your hand, which will be removed before you leave the doctor's office.
  • You will sit in front of a camera, which will take the "photographs",
  • Fluorescein will be administered through the tube, as the photographs need to be taken while the liquid enters the veins and the back of the eye.
  • You will be asked to sit comfortably for 5 minutes while the liquid circulates in your veins, and then more photographs will be taken. The entire examination takes only a few minutes.
  • It is very important to remain still while the photographs are being taken so that the examination can lead to a conclusion.

Are there any side effects?

The liquid will give your skin a pale appearance, and your urine will have a strong yellow color for one to two days.

When the liquid is administered, you may have a sensation of flushing. One in ten patients may feel nauseous or have difficulty breathing, side effects that last for only a few seconds. Rarely, patients may experience severe shortness of breath or an intense allergic reaction and should be admitted to the hospital.

After the angiography

We will escort you to a room and provide you with water or light juice. After 20 minutes, we will take your pulse and blood pressure again. If you do not experience any side effects, the plastic tube will be removed, and you can go home.

Before you leave, we will schedule an appointment during which the doctor will inform you of the results of the examination. If possible, these results will be provided to you on the same day. Please have someone accompany you to drive you home.

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